Project Mostar, Spaces to Activate and Rejuvenate

You're Invited!
Everyday Peace Indicators Workshop: “Where do we go from here? Reflecting on 30 years of peacebuilding in Bosnia & Herzegovina.”
Date: 24 June 2024
Time: 10:00h - 13:00h with reception to follow
Location: Tershouse 2.0. - Amphitheatre - Kolodvorska 12, Sarajevo
Maps: https://maps.app.goo.gl/VwAVrsgqUpZyLZ147

This workshop aims to gather the local peacebuilding community and other relevant local stakeholders (civil society actors, scholars, decision-makers, funders, development agencies, etc.) to:
Reflect upon the trajectory of peacebuilding in Bosnia and Herzegovina over the last three decades
Share about the project Mostar - Spaces to Activate and Rejuvenate and the Everyday Peace Indicator findings in Mostar
Strategize about the future of peacebuilding and development in Bosnia and Herzegovina
As part of the project Mostar – Spaces to Activate and Rejuvenate (2021-2024), Everyday Peace Indicators conducted participatory research in select Mostar communities, gathering a large amount of qualitative and quantitative data about peace and coexistence according to locals. These findings will be presented briefly in the workshop, alongside the accomplishments and challenges of the Mostar project. Mostar – Spaces to Activate and Rejuvenate is a UK-funded project aimed at improving public space and its use in Mostar through activating citizens and supporting citizen-led initiatives that contribute to shared civic, cultural, and economic life in Mostar. The project has been implemented by People in Need, Everyday Peace Indicators, Youth Cultural Center Abrašević, Local Democracy Agency Mostar, and Nešto Više.
Panel discussion: 30 years of peacebuilding in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Panelists: Elvir Đuliman (Nansen Dialogue Center, Mostar), Randall Puljek-Shank (Peace Academy, Sarajevo), Zilka Spahić Šiljak (TPO Foundation, Sarajevo)
Presentations: Project Mostar – Spaces to Activate and Rejuvenate
What moves Mostarians? Everyday peace research findings, Julianne Funk (Everyday Peace Indicators)
A city for all: Challenges and accomplishments of Project Mostar, Vladimir Ćorić (People in Need)
Coffee break
Collaborative exercise: reflecting on the past, envisioning the future
Discussion and conclusions
Closing reception (1 PM)
Translation will be provided by the organizer.
Please confirm your attendance by filling out the Google Form here: https://shorturl.at/R10Nz
Deadline for registration: 20 June 2024.
Cilj ove radionice je okupiti lokalne aktere izgradnje mira i druge relevantne sudionike (prvenstveno predstavnike civilnog društva, ali i akademike, donosioce odluka, donatore, razvojne agencije, itd.) kako bismo:
Napravili osvrt na tok izgradnje mira u Bosni i Hercegovini u protekle tri decenije
Podijelili informacije o projektu Mostar – Prostori koji pokreću i nalaze organizacije Everyday Peace Indicators iz Mostara
Diskutovali o strategiji budućnosti izgradnje mira i razvoja u Bosni i Hercegovini
U sklopu projekta Mostar – Prostori koji pokreću (2021-2024), Everyday Peace Indicators je proveo participativno istraživanje u odabranim mjesnim zajednicama u Mostaru, i prikupio veliki broj kvalitativnih i kvantitativnih podataka o miru i suživotu lokalnog stanovništva. Ova saznanja, kao i dostignuća te izazovi navedenog projekta, će biti ukratko predstavljena na radionici.
Mostar – Prostori koji pokreću je projekat finansiran od strane Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva, s ciljem unapređenja javnog prostora i njegove upotrebe u Mostaru, kroz aktiviranje građana i podršku građanskim inicijativama koje doprinose zajedničkom građanskom, kulturnom i ekonomskom životu u Mostaru. Projekat su implementirale organizacije People in Need, Everyday Peace Indicators, Omladinski kulturni centar Abrašević, Agencija lokalne demokratije Mostar i Nešto više.
Pozdravna riječ
Panel diskusija: 30 godina izgradnje mira u Bosni i Hercegovini
Panelisti: Elvir Đuliman (Nansen Dialogue Centar, Mostar), Randall Puljek-Shank (Peace Academy, Sarajevo), Zilka Spahić Šiljak (TPO Fondacija, Sarajevo)
Prezentacije: Projekat Mostar – Prostori koji pokreću
Šta pokreće Mostarce? Nalazi istraživanja svakodnevnog mira, Julianne Funk (Everyday Peace Indicators)
Grad za sve: Izazovi i dostignuća projekta Mostar, Vladimir Ćorić (People in Need)
Pauza za kafu
Zajednička vježba: osvrćući se na prošlost predviđamo budućnost
Diskusija i zaključci
Prijem (13:00)
*Prevod će biti obezbijeđen od strane organizatora.
Molimo Vas da potvrdite svoje prisustvo popunjavanjem Google obrasca na linku: https://shorturl.at/R10Nz
Rok za prijavu: 20.06.2024.
zadovoljstvo nam je pozvati Vas na radionicu pod nazivom "Kuda ćemo dalje? Osvrt na 30 godina izgradnje mira u Bosni i Hercegovini" koju organizuje Everyday Peace Indicators.
Datum: 24.06.2024.
Vrijeme: 10:00h - 13:00h uz prijem koji slijedi
Lokacija: Tershouse 2.0. - Amfiteatar- Kolodvorska 12, Sarajevo
Google Maps: https://maps.app.goo.gl/VwAVrsgqUpZyLZ147

Project Mostar
This project aims to fundamentally change the narrative about Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina) as a ‘divided city’. Everyday Peace Indicators conducted research in seven neighborhoods to identify community priorities around peace and life together. Click here to learn about upcoming events!
In partnership with People in Need, Abrašević Youth Centre, Local Democracy Agency Mostar and Nešto Više, this project seeks to improve public space in Mostar through mobilizing citizens and supporting citizen-led initiatives that contribute to shared civic, cultural and economic life of the city. The project also seeks to support citizens and local authorities to effectively use new skills, tools and mechanisms to address priorities in an inclusive, gender-sensitive, participatory and systematic manner.
As part of the project, EPI conducted our innovative, participatory research process to identify community-level indicators and priorities for peace and life together in the city. These indicators and priorities informed a range of cross-community activities that attend to community-identified priorities. Community indicators of peace and life together were further explored through photo stories, which tell a rich and personal tale of everyday life today in Mostar, three decades after war. This research was funded by the UK government.
To see these photo stories and learn more about everyday indicators of peace and life together in Mostar, visit https://epimostarphotostories.com/
Here you can read a short report about the findings of EPI’s research in Mostar:
Mostar Live Photostories "Sedam Mostarskih Foto Priča" (Seven Mostar photo stories, in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian)
Djevojke iz Podhuma (Girls from Podhum)
Kolačići za sreću (Fortune cookies)
U strahu su velike oči (Things appear bigger than they are when we’re afraid)
Đemo (Djemo)
Prijateljstvo bez granica (Friendship without borders)
Propisi i običaji (Rules and customs)
Featured Articles
Istraživanje: Ono što Mostarci žele nije u skladu sa narativom koji dominira na sceni
English Version: After Speaking with Locals Themselves, What Mostarians Want Doesn't Fit the Dominant Narrative

(Pictured from left to right: Inga Kotlo, Abida Pehlić, Julianne Funk, Roger Mac Ginty, Elvir Djuliman, Anja Jerković and Pamina Firchow)