Photovoice is a participatory visual methodology that was pioneered in the 1990s and has been employed around the world. In photovoice projects, community members use photography to identify, discuss and communicate the stories and issues that are important to them. In Everyday Peace Indicator’s work photovoice is simultaneously a research methodology, a peacebuilding process and an advocacy tool.
In support of the Colombian Truth Commission, EPI is integrating photovoice into its Everyday Justice project in Colombia. In Everyday Justice, we are collecting indicators of justice and coexistence in communities across three war-torn regions of Colombia. With the addition of photovoice, our goals are to use the transformative potential of photovoice to support and amplify the everyday peace indicator process, to make visible the stories behind the indicators and to catalyse dialogue in communities and with policy and public audiences.
Through custom-designed photovoice workshops, community members select everyday peace indicators to photograph and develop their own Indicator Photo-Stories. Photovoice projects are taking place in selected communities in Colombia and are being facilitated by EPI’s Photovoice team, Mg. Edwin Cubillos Rodriguez and Luisa Moreno Ome, with support from Dr. Tiffany Fairey.
This project is supported by Humanity United, a foundation created by The Omidyar Group that is dedicated to accompanying innovative processes that build conditions for peace and freedom around the world.
Photovoice Process - San Miguel, Cauca (2021)

Proceso Fotovoz- EPI San Miguel, Cauca 2021. Versión final
Photovoice Process - Urama, Colombia (2020)

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